~ Sol LeWitt

Ode to Jackson Pollock II
by Ron Greenaway
The image above was created at: www.JacksonPollock.org
* JacksonPollock.org, one of the most famous works of Internet Art, is made by Miltos Manetas in 2003.
* Introducing the new Apple's Tablet Computer Named IPad, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said: "JacksonPollock.org" is one of the best websites to experience the iPad and "Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas" is definitelly the coolest application for the iPad. (link)
* JacksonPollock.org is People's Voice Winner of the Webby Awards
* Time Magazine listed JacksonPollock.org on the Top 50 coolest websites
* JacksonPollock.org is a Neen artwork
RandomPollock by Miltos Manetas is just published as iPad app and it works also with ipod and iPhone
In case you want to print out Pollock, there is a way to save it in vector! You need to have Adobe Acrobat installed (the program not just the Reader) and then you choose to print as a PDF. Try it! You can also simply "Print Screen an save it in an image eiting program like photoshop.
"It has been my observation that some of the younger curators embrace these examples of poorly thought out simple-minded dreck because, it provides them with the opportunity to expound on work that is confusing in its self-befuddlement, and so light weight and unedited that they, the purveyors of culture, can wax at length about the artist's "much deeper intentions." They suggest, without saying so, that these "artists" are savants; and that is why the Curator's task is so difficult... they must enlighten the rest of us. True, it's hard to come up with something about nothing. These charlatans passing themselves off as conceptual artists are poseurs. 99% of today's conceptualism should be destined for only two locations- the furnace or the dump. The other 1 percent should take its rightful place in the galleries, museums and collections at the zenith of the art world. It seems, these days, that the art world insists upon celebrating too much talentless jive; in this whirlwind of mediocrity, too many truly great artists have been lost."
~ John Aaron
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