Monday, December 5, 2011

Charles Van Gorkom, on Vancouver Island

After 43 years up north in the Smithers area, we have moved to Chemainus to spend the last years of our lives. I am a bootmaker/poet. and my poetry blog is My graphic arts are in remission, Never-the-less, I have joined the Cowichan Valley Arts Council. I am impressed with the world-class quality of all the arts in this valley!

My first time living on the Island, I have written a poem giving my first impressions, and if you deem it worthy, I would like to post it on the cafe blog.

Impressions Of Vancouver Island

Rough unfinished wood,
rain forests mantled with thick green moss
encircled by the Pacific.

Art hanging everywhere,
world class crafts on shelves tucked
into every crook in the narrow roads,
murmuring voices of sea and wind,
Live acoustic guitar,
smells of coffee and baking
in coffee shops with live music,
on an island world to itself
seceeded from the mainland
more than a hundred years ago.

Who knew?
No one could be told who
would care anywhere,
so the secret government
by acclamation went unspoken,
unelected, undefined by declarations,
orations and constitutions,
defended by the isolation,
the winters with no tourists,
and expense of ferry trips
off island.

Unheralded, but accepted,
since it has been mutually agreed
a casual association with the rest of Canada
can be advantageous for secret trade.

~ Charles Van Gorkom, bootmaker/poet

Other poetry shared by Charles in the Cafe includes:

I cannot thank you enough Charles for your poetry contributions to the Cafe. These shared moments  on nature and the nature of things always fascinate me.
Ron Greenaway

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