Thursday, April 8, 2010

Manuel Erickson

Manuel Erickson was born in Toronto and educated there and in Waterloo, Ontario, receiving his B.A. from the University of Waterloo. He says that his political science degree only taught him how to write; it never opened a career door. Manuel has written on and off since his teens. He has published articles in the Ottawa Citizen, Canadian Aviator magazine and in various anthologies, including five creative non-fiction stories in Through the Window of a Train, published by Borealis Press of Ottawa in June 2010. He has completed a book about steam trains that is ready for publication.

Manuel Erickson has graciously agreed to provide readers of the Cowichan Valley Arts Café with postings of creative writing.

This is a list of his submissions to the Café to this point in time.
See also:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Manuel for your wonderful stories. These stories need to be told and serve as reminders of precious humanity behind some inhumane acts of man.
