I was talking to them about a totem pole that had a Thunderbird above a Killer Whale. This Killer Whale, though, was special. When it was carved, this Killer Whale's fins were made in the shape of a Raven's head.
The Raven is known to the carver of this pole as the "trickster" and the "transformer". In this case the carver had created a "Raven-finned Killer Whale". The kind of Killer Whale that might come alongside your boat and give it a good nudge or splash you, just for fun, to play a trick on you.
Just as I was explaining this to my tour group, a young First Nations woman, who I did not know and had not noticed walking by, quietly stepped up behind me and gave me a quick squeeze at the waist... she laughed and said out loud "Just like this!".
Now, this both startled and amused me and my tourist friends. And with a smile, she turned and kept on walking down the street.
What a mischievous thing to do!
And when I stop to think about it, she did have raven-coloured hair......
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