Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rock Balancing on Vancouver Island

photo by Susan Miller, hauntress Rathtrevor Beach Parksville

"Rock balancing is an art, discipline, or hobby depending upon the intent of the practitioner in which rocks are balanced on top of one another in various positions; these scenes may then be photographed."
~ wikipedia

...leprechauns show thyselves

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fools Rush In, poetry by Yvonne MacKenzie

gathered in solemn assembly
the celestial chorus are busy shining halos
and rehearsing their mission

god whistles a happy tune
and the fool comes yipping round her heels
panting with glee

unlike the measured tread of angels
fools rush in to the arms of the beloved
turning cartwheels through the mud
and jumping off the dock with their clothes on

guided by joy
the fool steps from the boat
and glides across the waves
with no thought of separation from source

joined to all creation
she dances on the edge of the abyss
the vastness of her love
entangled with the limbs of the sky

her heart heeds the instinct of birds
soaring upward through the clouds
never doubting for an instant
God’s will for wings

Yvonne MacKenzie

Monday, September 26, 2011

Ride Vancouver Island

Digital collage by Ron Greenaway inspired by the poem of Rojan Zét titled "Tomato".

"Ride this flow", digital collage by Ron Greenaway

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tomato, poetry by Rojan Zét

Through watered eyes soaring, my
jacket billowed roaring to clouds
behind Pre-voh with glances quick
and wondering, perfumed sound thundering.
Airbrush tresses round me flowing,
wind has found me, weaves the going
and the coming swift below me.

Black tar-zipped lines evaporate;
pavement fur, oaks, undulate. Spokes
winding over pebble squeals and
shots from pipes decelerating,
staccato nails around a curving track
tangent to the Queen's circle attack
speed ascending, the road bending.

Clutchless fastshift, loud and snorting,
red and gleaming chrome sun sporting lake
and island gliding by, heart in my
outstretched hand, leather on the fly,
ready now, completely mine wanting to
go, take me higher, off the stand,
and ride this flow, anytime.

Rojan Zét

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Vancouver Island Bunny

You can run but you can't hide.

Vancouver Island Bunny
photo by Susan Miller, hauntress Rathtrevor Beach Parksville

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mary Donlan

Profile of an Artist

SeedBed 18

SeedBed 17

Mary Donlan is a painter based in Campbell River on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.

She was born in Grimsby, Ontario and earned a B.F.A. at the University of Western Ontario where she studied under Patterson Ewen. Mary lived in London for 20 years where she was a member of the artist-run Forest City Gallery. While living in London she was introduced to the work of many terrific local artists. She moved to Vancouver Island in 2007 where she started the SeedBed series which is an ongoing body of art.

Mary paints in the tradition of abstract expressionism with a collage aesthetic. Mary is developing her painterly vocabulary is based on the plant world – forests and garden are her favourite places.

The intention of Mary's work is to express the creative process. “In my paintings I aim for the effect of layered images, fragments, occurrences. I see the process of layering, merging, shaping and synthesizing as simulating the creative process.”

For more information and to see more of Mary's art please visit Mary Donlan's website at :

Seedbed Collage 12

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ro Jan Z8, Beachcomber

Profile of an Artist

A Turtle Islander, most comfortable near salt water, raised on Lulu Island, formed by coastlines.... The snaking shore leads me on, ever onward, to the sound of white noise, surf, a pounding in my ears - tinnitis some call it, but after a while you get used to it and listen to the differences in its pitch, its frequency, its tone, and imagine the encoded signals, communications from another dimension - secret messages. Along the way there are findings, curiosities to discover. Ideas slide across sand and patterns emerge. The substitionary principle appears and shape-shifting begins. Dark shadows flit across the periphery of my vision. Then it becomes harder to determine the bad from the good, the right from the wrong, true from false, and slowly the trust-informed child becomes the bewildered skeptic, careful and reclusive. Recursion. What is it we can believe? Who is it we can trust? The weather changes. Rolling mist separates us from clear sky and puts me in a damp fog. The fire smoke rises into a falling rain seeking the elusive glass ball.

There are metal ones too, found half-way up the west coast of Vancouver Island near Cougar Annie's outpost where I caressed the cheeks of enormous glazed rocks, wept at the suffering evident in their gashed and shattered sides, and kissed them. I joined their private celebration, one white man and a black bear crashing their party but could I really feel uninvited to find myself at this gathering? No, I felt welcome, privileged and humbled to be allowed entry to such a grand ballroom, in such exclusive company, led by Nature herself and no other human contact except the jettisoned remnants of hemispheric sea-traffic under the foreshore trees beneath the bluest skies, in the clearest air - walking on land built by rain and drifting wood, to join the dance with these stones.

Most people don't know I have operated cranes, lived in a cave under the road in Gibraltar, sailed an ice-covered 87' ketch in the north Atlantic, graduated with an English degree from one of Canada's top universities without taking a Shakespeare course, written a skit in Pin-Yin Mandarin, and worked up and down the BC coast as a lightkeeper. Actually there's an awful lot people don't know, and many who don't care so it all works out in the end. We live, we die, someone else lives and dies. There's the sea, here's the shore, a perfect fit, there's no money involved. We just walk over it all and find what we look for, with no reason to continue when our innocence is finally and completely lost. Fractals. Ah, but what is this life? What is life for, for me, for you? That my dear, is the question. And then to live it well, this is something we humans have yet to learn, yet to discover, yet to find, yet to search for. It may be something we have simply lost. Some of us have begun looking, finding our balance, and keep hoping....

Are You In My Tribe?
The tribe I belong to is based in mutuality, reciprocity, and equilateral co-operation. It is a shared potluck group meant for all, not just for the rich or for the poor, for the fat or for the skinny, and recognizes that one person's time is not worth more or less than another's, it does not require weekend retreats for money beyond costs. This tribe is line-of-sight - within touching distance - it values respect, sensitivity, understanding, and justice, freely given from one to another without need for profit, and is based on willing exchange of experience and knowledge. The people of this tribe are connected to mother earth with the understanding that physical health relates to harmony with the natural world, that spiritual health relates to harmony with the universe, and that emotional health relates to harmony with the self and others. Each member is respected for their work in bringing community a little closer to such a reality. Are you in? Pattern recognition.

Rojan is a Cowichan Valley resident and believes poetry has the ability to reveal significant truth. As a visual artist, Rojan embraces the deliberation poetic thinking brings to a subject including text as a medium but feels the art really lies in the thinking, in the reflection, perhaps even more so than in the writing about it. As such, text becomes data, and writing - nothing more than observations for a theory, as though we are the sensors for Spirit beyond ourselves, antennae as it were - articulating and identifying sensory input for a universal cognition. Evidence.

No longer at one of the Pillars of Hercules in a cave under a road, or isolated at some remote coastal outpost contemplating the potential offered by cereal-box promises, this passive observer remains pre-occupied with the state of being, and of being Human, realizing the rise of another potential - the successful Human Inadequate (imposed failure of authentic self-actualization for increasing numbers of social stake-holders). In his struggling with form and content, Rojan has produced six chapbooks of poems, short stories, and personal essays, and is always at work on another text, presentation, image, or song while making music in efforts at preserving sanity in a broken world gradually realizing who the bad guys really are, and it's not who they want you to think. Rojan's words and images can be found at www dot rojan dot freeservers dot com.